Friday, February 12, 2010

Jeff Robinson
Source 3

Ralph Gomez

1. What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?

"I had to get a second job; I work at the Salt Lick in Driftwood," said Gomez. He also works at the Walgreen's located in Kyle a few blocks down the road from the brand new Seton Medical Center Hays Hospital

2. (If a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

Gomez is currently in high school.

3. Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.

"I don't go out a lot anymore. I help my mom pay the bills. That's why I had to get a second job; so I could help support my mom and my little brother," said Gomez.

4. What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

"I,ve heard about some of the Obama plans, and how people don't like them; but I'm not sure what should be done," said Gomez. He continues, "If we can't solve poverty for other countries; what makes us think we can get out of ours."

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