Friday, February 12, 2010

Robin Nennig

Source 1
Cade Nicholson
Low income
San Marcos, TX

Question 1
My father has been forced to move up to West Virginia in order to find work after the oil and gas industry in West Texas slowed down.

Question 2

Question 3
I drive as little as I can since gas is so expensive and we have a decent bus system.

Question 4
Tax breaks, job creation, and government spending in suffering industries

Source 2
Rebecca Contreras
High income
San Marcos, TX
Blue-collar worker

Question 1
Well, I have a part-time job at the mall, my hours have dropped from 20-25 to 10-15 hours. Even the days I do work at the mall it is very slow. Lately my boss has been calling me and telling me it's too slow and no point in coming to work

Question 2

Question 3
Yes, I have cut down on going out to eat. Also, I just buy the necessities that I need. I am more conscious of what I spend.

Question 4
Why can't *we* have a bailout?

Source 3
Drew Fisher
Low income
San Marcos, TX

Question 1
As a college student, I feel less secure about my job prospects after graduation and generally resentful towards adult (40+) white males.

Question 2
No, I have several scholarships and and the increased Pell grants helped too.

Question 3
I pay more careful attention to what I buy at the grocery store, shop for discounted clothes, and tend to make more frequent smaller purchases instead of a few high-dollar purchases.

Question 4

Job recovery is priority one, in my opinion. However, I feel it is an unattainable goal without finance and healthcare reform, and a focus on rebuilding infrastructure.

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