Friday, February 12, 2010

Me: Sam McIntosh

Source #1:

Question 1:
"Well, it definitely took longer than expected to find a job that had anything to do with my degree. It took like 3 months, I just now got a job."

Question 2:

Question 3:
"Yeah for sure. I buy way more groceries so i don't have to eat out and I stay in more too because I can't afford gas."

Question 4:
"Hm, tough question. I think the most important thing we can probably do is create jobs so people can make the money to put back into the economy."

Source information:
Name: Jordan Lewis
Age: 22
Location: Houston, Texas
Race: Anglo
Occupation: Sales
Income: Middle

Source #2:

Question 1:
"My dad lost his job like 5 months ago. I guess it doesn't affect me directly but he is family you know?"

Question 2:
"No not at all"

Question 3:
"I eat out less and ride my bike more often. I think eating out is the worst thing you can do really."

Question 4:
"Oh man I could go on and on. If the government is going to allow things like this to happen then we need people to be more self sustained so when the system fails they have something to fall back on."

Source information:
Name: Anthony Holmes
Age: 21
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Race: African-American
Occupation: Student
Income: None

Source #3

Question 1:
"It made it impossible to find a job after I graduated back in May. I still haven't found a job and it is starting to get ridiculous. I guess it doesn't help that i majored in anthropology though."

Question 2:

Question 3:
"I mean I would think so. It is hard to tell. I guess I cut back on my 'festivities' fund for going to the bar and stuff."

Question 4:
"Honestly, I think we need a more United country. The partisanship we have is making it impossible to get anything done. I just think it is the governments responsibility to help us. Have to end the division in this country."

Source information:
Name: Nick Rodriguez
Age: 25
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Race: Hispanic
Occupation: Enterprise Rentals as a driver
Income: Low

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