Friday, February 12, 2010

3 Sources-Tracie Wrape

Source 1:

Simon Hernandez

Age: 44

Occupation: Respitory Therapist

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Gender: Male

Class: High

Generation: 35-50

Geography: Luling, TX

Question Answers:

1. "I have been very fortunate so really it hasnt had a big effect on me. I dont make investments anymore therefore I just use the cash I have in my pocket. In the 80's I lost 56,000 by investing my money and when we hit recession I lost it all so I will never trust a banking institution again. I have a good job and I pay my bills as quick as possible keeping me in good standings with my finances."

2. "My daughter is a freshman in college and once again we have been very fortunate and it has no had an effect on paying for her college tuition. I was in the military so I transfered my GI bill to her so college has been free for us."

3."Yes. we have adjusted because we used to take weekend vacations whenever we felt like it, sometimes every weekend. Now we limit our extra cash and only take them once a month, we make a grocery list and only get what we need when before we bought whatever we wanted."

4. "I feel that people should get financial counseling , I know people that make $10 bucks and hour and they need to know how to budge, I learned the hard way and that wasnt fun. I think people need to learn to spend only what they have."

Source 2:

Matthew Enriquez

Age: 22

Major: Real Estate Finance and Development

Occupation: Student and Guest Services at a Golf Resort

Race: Hispanic

Gender: Male

Class: Low

Generation: 18-25

Geography: San Antonio, TX

Question Answers:

1. "It has effected my jon because people dont come to golf as much, therefore Im broke."

2. "No, because we pay for my college with loans.

3. "Yes, I dont eat out near as much as I used too."

4. "I think we should bring awareness to budgeting ones money by only spending what you have and by not using credit cards."

Source 3:

Kaye Butler

Age: 48

Occupation: Retail Store Owner

Ethnicity: Anglo (white)

Gender: Female

Class: High

Generation: 36-50

Geography: Gruene, TX

Question Answers:

1. "Its been terrible, retail sales have gone down 40% in the last year."

2. "It has made it a lot tougher, we dont have as much disposable income when money is low with our company."

3. "Definitly, we dont vaction near as much, we try to limit our driving, clothing shopping, and groceries. We pay way more attention to what we spend. Before if we needed eggs, we bought eggs. Whatever we wanted we bought without looking at the price. Now we usually go with the cheaper brand at the grocery store and only get what we need."

4. "I think we should keep taxes steady and stop putting more and more taxes on retail businesses. They're way to many taxes, we pay employee, property, inventory tax..I mean the list goes on and on, one tax after another, it just kills you."

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