Friday, February 12, 2010

Cecil Sparkman


Question 1:
"It hasn't really affected me. I can understand the sociological affects, but I still have a job."

Question 2: 
"I pay for my own school. So basically my grants have been affected and so has the interest on my loans."

Question 3:
"I pay for everything on my own, and because of my age payments like insurance have actually been lowered." 

Question 4: 
"There should be more jobs available."

Source Info:

Ethnicity: Anglo  
Gender: Female
Class: Probably Mid-High Income based on information provided
Geography: San Marcos, TX
Occupation: Apartment Leasing Agent/Student


Question 1:
"I'm broke. It has cut our hours at work. I just don't have enough money. Nobody is buying when they come into the store [that i work at]". 

Question 2:
"I'm not a student, but I am working full time and I'm a single parent."

Question 3:
"I've had to simplify everything. Me and my kids don't go out. We've had to switch to 'Great Value' products when we shop." 

Question 4:
"Give us a raise. I think all the welfare help while taxing us is wrong. I'm a single parent and I'm struggling while people are getting paid to sit at home and watch their big screens."

Source info:

Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Class: Low class based on information provided
Generation: 18-25
Occupation:  Gas station attendant


Question 1:
"None, really. When you're at the bottom how can you go further? I'm isolated, really. The secret is low overhead. I've been around 35 years, I take care of people."

Question 2:
"I'm not a student. I operate my own business."

Question 3:
"I just don't buy as many motorcycles. I've been around a long time. I've seen the ups and downs and recessions. I remember the gas crunch in the 70s."

Question 4:
"I just try and think about myself, try and do what I can. I can't feel sorry for people high on the hog. I'd like to see a football coach donate some of his salary." 

Source Info:

Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Class: Middle class based on information provided
Generation: 51-70
Occupation: Local Business Owner

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