Friday, February 12, 2010

Diverse Sources

My Name: Cody Herring

Interview 1
Name: Joey Boatright
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Income: 50k+
Age: 25
Geography: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: Manager at Logans Roadhouse

Question 1: How has the economy affected you personally?
- "It hasn't really affected me that much."

Question 2: How has the economy affected your business?
- "It's slowed down a lot. The servers aren't very happy right now because there isn't a lot of customers coming in on a regular basis. We've really had to drive it into our staff to provide amazing service so we can keep customers coming back."

Question 3: What cutbacks have you made since August of last year?
- "We've had to cut back on the manpower, we order less food, and try and save as much as we can on water, gas, and electric."

Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people while the economy is down?
- "More tax credits, more stimulus packages, and less government spending."

Interview 2

Name: Stacy Alford
Race: Anglo
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Income: >25k
Age: 22
Geography: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: Server at Logan's Roadhouse

Question 1
- "I had to put school on hold, I just couldn't afford to go to school even with the financial aid I got, and my parents don't support me, so now I work full-time."

Question 2
- "No one tips anymore, I understand everyones broke, but I still have bills to pay too!"

Question 3
- "I quit going out except on the weekends, and I really quit driving for the most part, unless I really have to. I live close enough to work that I can walk, so that makes it easy."

Question 4
- "I think the government could follow through on some of the promises its made, Obama has seriously done nothing, but he talked big game when he was running for president. This war is costing us way too much. I think pulling out the troops would help. It's just a big mess."

Interview 3

Name: Michael Woolley
Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Income: 25-49k
Age: 34
Geography: Austin, Texas
Occupation: Manager at Cabela's

Question 1
- "I've sold my truck, bought a car that uses less gas. I've started buying generic products instead of stuff like Viva and Boar's Head. I also cut back on going out for drinks and stuff after work. I stop doing a lot of things that aren't necessities."

Question 2
- "People usually don't browse as much anymore, they have a few things the need to come in and get, get the, and go. Its hard to sell things to someone who doesn't have the money to buy them, and we aren't exactly a cheap store."

Question 3
- "Since Christmas we have had to let employees go, more so than just seasonal employees. With less people coming in we have to compensate somehow, and it usually ends up being the hours that the employees work. With less customers it takes less people to run the store."

Question 4
- "I honestly don't know what an be done with the economy, its probably just a cycle of growth and decline, waiting it out is my only option."

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