Friday, February 12, 2010

Jeff Robinson
Source 3

Ralph Gomez

1. What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?

"I had to get a second job; I work at the Salt Lick in Driftwood," said Gomez. He also works at the Walgreen's located in Kyle a few blocks down the road from the brand new Seton Medical Center Hays Hospital

2. (If a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

Gomez is currently in high school.

3. Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.

"I don't go out a lot anymore. I help my mom pay the bills. That's why I had to get a second job; so I could help support my mom and my little brother," said Gomez.

4. What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

"I,ve heard about some of the Obama plans, and how people don't like them; but I'm not sure what should be done," said Gomez. He continues, "If we can't solve poverty for other countries; what makes us think we can get out of ours."
Jeff Robinson
Source 2

Christine Orlando

Check Spelling
1. What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?

"I have had to stop shopping completely, and I only have to enough to pay my rent," said Orlando.

2. Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

"Well, not really, because I get loans to pay for my tuition," said Orlando

3. Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.

"Since I'm a Fashion Merchandising Major I've been making a lot of my own clothes, and made them look as if they were brand new and in style," said Orlando

4. What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

"I think we should be given a severance paycheck or some kind of bonus," said Orlando. Severance packages are often given to the employees from the employer; in which the employee will sign a release form saying they won't sue the employer or the company.
Jeff Robinson
Source 1

Byron Mobley

1. What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?

As a police force, it has been harder to put more officers on the patrol. "however much the outlet mall makes a year in profits depends on how many officers we hire," said Mobley.

2. (If a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

Not a student.

3. Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted?

"Yes, we have tried to be more frugal with our money," said Mobley. He and his family have been staying at their relatives house when he visits them on vacation.

4. What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
"Give more money to the ma and pop stores rather than these big car dealers," said Mobley.
michelle scott
high class
weatherford, texas

1. my shopping expenses have decreased.
2. no, i actually got more money from financial aid this year.
3. i don't shop for things i don't need as much, and began making my own meals.
4. more buisnesses should make their employees be educated on how to organize their finances properly.
Noah Tippit
shop material processor
greenville, tx

1. none due to my stable job
2.No, i do not attend college
3. no, my spending is the same
4. lower taxes!!!!

3 Sources-Tracie Wrape

Source 1:

Simon Hernandez

Age: 44

Occupation: Respitory Therapist

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Gender: Male

Class: High

Generation: 35-50

Geography: Luling, TX

Question Answers:

1. "I have been very fortunate so really it hasnt had a big effect on me. I dont make investments anymore therefore I just use the cash I have in my pocket. In the 80's I lost 56,000 by investing my money and when we hit recession I lost it all so I will never trust a banking institution again. I have a good job and I pay my bills as quick as possible keeping me in good standings with my finances."

2. "My daughter is a freshman in college and once again we have been very fortunate and it has no had an effect on paying for her college tuition. I was in the military so I transfered my GI bill to her so college has been free for us."

3."Yes. we have adjusted because we used to take weekend vacations whenever we felt like it, sometimes every weekend. Now we limit our extra cash and only take them once a month, we make a grocery list and only get what we need when before we bought whatever we wanted."

4. "I feel that people should get financial counseling , I know people that make $10 bucks and hour and they need to know how to budge, I learned the hard way and that wasnt fun. I think people need to learn to spend only what they have."

Source 2:

Matthew Enriquez

Age: 22

Major: Real Estate Finance and Development

Occupation: Student and Guest Services at a Golf Resort

Race: Hispanic

Gender: Male

Class: Low

Generation: 18-25

Geography: San Antonio, TX

Question Answers:

1. "It has effected my jon because people dont come to golf as much, therefore Im broke."

2. "No, because we pay for my college with loans.

3. "Yes, I dont eat out near as much as I used too."

4. "I think we should bring awareness to budgeting ones money by only spending what you have and by not using credit cards."

Source 3:

Kaye Butler

Age: 48

Occupation: Retail Store Owner

Ethnicity: Anglo (white)

Gender: Female

Class: High

Generation: 36-50

Geography: Gruene, TX

Question Answers:

1. "Its been terrible, retail sales have gone down 40% in the last year."

2. "It has made it a lot tougher, we dont have as much disposable income when money is low with our company."

3. "Definitly, we dont vaction near as much, we try to limit our driving, clothing shopping, and groceries. We pay way more attention to what we spend. Before if we needed eggs, we bought eggs. Whatever we wanted we bought without looking at the price. Now we usually go with the cheaper brand at the grocery store and only get what we need."

4. "I think we should keep taxes steady and stop putting more and more taxes on retail businesses. They're way to many taxes, we pay employee, property, inventory tax..I mean the list goes on and on, one tax after another, it just kills you."


Source name & E-mail Rachel Lance,
Age: 20
Major: Fashion merchandising
Year: 2011
Occupation: student
Race/ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: F
Class: high
Geography: San Marcos, Tx

1. "It has affected my social life as well as spending."
2. "No, luckily my parents help pay for school."
3."Yes, I have to watch how much i eat out and go shopping."
4. "More job oppurtunities and people should have higher education."

Question 1 - "There were a lot of layoffs at my job. The downturn really hurt our wage income and our performance incentives. I was personally laid off for a certain period of time, I would work two days a week and 3 days out of the week I would be unemployed."

Question 3 - "I have not been able to adjust but I have been fortunate enough to not have been completely laid off. Usually, my wife and I sit at home instead of going out."

Question 4 - "I think that everyone needs a wake up call. Everyone always wants more money, which rises costs. People should be able to deal with pay cuts."

Question 1 - "I lost my last job at Best Buy because of job cuts."

Question 3 - "I have to cut back on a lot. Money is really tight. I basically live pay check to paycheck."

Question 4 - "With all the promises that have been made, I think that some action should be taken."

Question 1 - "A lot more customers have cancelled their accounts because they can't afford to pay their insurance."

Question 3 - "I haven't had a problem adjusting."

Question 4 - "I think that small businesses should make it easier to employ people."

Me: Sam McIntosh

Source #1:

Question 1:
"Well, it definitely took longer than expected to find a job that had anything to do with my degree. It took like 3 months, I just now got a job."

Question 2:

Question 3:
"Yeah for sure. I buy way more groceries so i don't have to eat out and I stay in more too because I can't afford gas."

Question 4:
"Hm, tough question. I think the most important thing we can probably do is create jobs so people can make the money to put back into the economy."

Source information:
Name: Jordan Lewis
Age: 22
Location: Houston, Texas
Race: Anglo
Occupation: Sales
Income: Middle

Source #2:

Question 1:
"My dad lost his job like 5 months ago. I guess it doesn't affect me directly but he is family you know?"

Question 2:
"No not at all"

Question 3:
"I eat out less and ride my bike more often. I think eating out is the worst thing you can do really."

Question 4:
"Oh man I could go on and on. If the government is going to allow things like this to happen then we need people to be more self sustained so when the system fails they have something to fall back on."

Source information:
Name: Anthony Holmes
Age: 21
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Race: African-American
Occupation: Student
Income: None

Source #3

Question 1:
"It made it impossible to find a job after I graduated back in May. I still haven't found a job and it is starting to get ridiculous. I guess it doesn't help that i majored in anthropology though."

Question 2:

Question 3:
"I mean I would think so. It is hard to tell. I guess I cut back on my 'festivities' fund for going to the bar and stuff."

Question 4:
"Honestly, I think we need a more United country. The partisanship we have is making it impossible to get anything done. I just think it is the governments responsibility to help us. Have to end the division in this country."

Source information:
Name: Nick Rodriguez
Age: 25
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Race: Hispanic
Occupation: Enterprise Rentals as a driver
Income: Low

Source 1: Carlos Lopez
Question 1.
"Commission went down here [at Cordon's Jewelry store.]"

Question 2.
"It's hard to pay for my books since I don't get any financial aid and don't want to take out a loan. I imagine if i transfer to UTSA I would have to take out a loan though."

Question 3.
"I only buy what I need instead of what I want."

Question 4.
"At this time, hopefully people will get more money back on their W2."

Source 2: Chad Allens
Question 1.
"There has not been an effect on our salary [at IBC bank], but I talk to alot of customers and business associates, especially people in the service industry, who are effected."

Question 2.

Question 3.
"I've learned to be alot more aware of my financial situation."

Question 4.
"I think they should ask the people more instead of telling them."

Source 3: Isaac Arquieta

Question 1:
"A clothing store I would go to shut down, so I can't buy some of my favorite brands there."

Question 2:

Question 3:
"I try not to eat out as much and I tend to look at my balance alot more."

Question 4:
"I know it costs less to manufacture in other foreign countries, but they should manufacture more here in America so there would be more jobs."
Robin Nennig

Source 1
Cade Nicholson
Low income
San Marcos, TX

Question 1
My father has been forced to move up to West Virginia in order to find work after the oil and gas industry in West Texas slowed down.

Question 2

Question 3
I drive as little as I can since gas is so expensive and we have a decent bus system.

Question 4
Tax breaks, job creation, and government spending in suffering industries

Source 2
Rebecca Contreras
High income
San Marcos, TX
Blue-collar worker

Question 1
Well, I have a part-time job at the mall, my hours have dropped from 20-25 to 10-15 hours. Even the days I do work at the mall it is very slow. Lately my boss has been calling me and telling me it's too slow and no point in coming to work

Question 2

Question 3
Yes, I have cut down on going out to eat. Also, I just buy the necessities that I need. I am more conscious of what I spend.

Question 4
Why can't *we* have a bailout?

Source 3
Drew Fisher
Low income
San Marcos, TX

Question 1
As a college student, I feel less secure about my job prospects after graduation and generally resentful towards adult (40+) white males.

Question 2
No, I have several scholarships and and the increased Pell grants helped too.

Question 3
I pay more careful attention to what I buy at the grocery store, shop for discounted clothes, and tend to make more frequent smaller purchases instead of a few high-dollar purchases.

Question 4

Job recovery is priority one, in my opinion. However, I feel it is an unattainable goal without finance and healthcare reform, and a focus on rebuilding infrastructure.

Cecil Sparkman


Question 1:
"It hasn't really affected me. I can understand the sociological affects, but I still have a job."

Question 2: 
"I pay for my own school. So basically my grants have been affected and so has the interest on my loans."

Question 3:
"I pay for everything on my own, and because of my age payments like insurance have actually been lowered." 

Question 4: 
"There should be more jobs available."

Source Info:

Ethnicity: Anglo  
Gender: Female
Class: Probably Mid-High Income based on information provided
Geography: San Marcos, TX
Occupation: Apartment Leasing Agent/Student


Question 1:
"I'm broke. It has cut our hours at work. I just don't have enough money. Nobody is buying when they come into the store [that i work at]". 

Question 2:
"I'm not a student, but I am working full time and I'm a single parent."

Question 3:
"I've had to simplify everything. Me and my kids don't go out. We've had to switch to 'Great Value' products when we shop." 

Question 4:
"Give us a raise. I think all the welfare help while taxing us is wrong. I'm a single parent and I'm struggling while people are getting paid to sit at home and watch their big screens."

Source info:

Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Class: Low class based on information provided
Generation: 18-25
Occupation:  Gas station attendant


Question 1:
"None, really. When you're at the bottom how can you go further? I'm isolated, really. The secret is low overhead. I've been around 35 years, I take care of people."

Question 2:
"I'm not a student. I operate my own business."

Question 3:
"I just don't buy as many motorcycles. I've been around a long time. I've seen the ups and downs and recessions. I remember the gas crunch in the 70s."

Question 4:
"I just try and think about myself, try and do what I can. I can't feel sorry for people high on the hog. I'd like to see a football coach donate some of his salary." 

Source Info:

Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Class: Middle class based on information provided
Generation: 51-70
Occupation: Local Business Owner

Diverse Sources

My Name: Cody Herring

Interview 1
Name: Joey Boatright
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Income: 50k+
Age: 25
Geography: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: Manager at Logans Roadhouse

Question 1: How has the economy affected you personally?
- "It hasn't really affected me that much."

Question 2: How has the economy affected your business?
- "It's slowed down a lot. The servers aren't very happy right now because there isn't a lot of customers coming in on a regular basis. We've really had to drive it into our staff to provide amazing service so we can keep customers coming back."

Question 3: What cutbacks have you made since August of last year?
- "We've had to cut back on the manpower, we order less food, and try and save as much as we can on water, gas, and electric."

Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people while the economy is down?
- "More tax credits, more stimulus packages, and less government spending."

Interview 2

Name: Stacy Alford
Race: Anglo
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Income: >25k
Age: 22
Geography: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: Server at Logan's Roadhouse

Question 1
- "I had to put school on hold, I just couldn't afford to go to school even with the financial aid I got, and my parents don't support me, so now I work full-time."

Question 2
- "No one tips anymore, I understand everyones broke, but I still have bills to pay too!"

Question 3
- "I quit going out except on the weekends, and I really quit driving for the most part, unless I really have to. I live close enough to work that I can walk, so that makes it easy."

Question 4
- "I think the government could follow through on some of the promises its made, Obama has seriously done nothing, but he talked big game when he was running for president. This war is costing us way too much. I think pulling out the troops would help. It's just a big mess."

Interview 3

Name: Michael Woolley
Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Income: 25-49k
Age: 34
Geography: Austin, Texas
Occupation: Manager at Cabela's

Question 1
- "I've sold my truck, bought a car that uses less gas. I've started buying generic products instead of stuff like Viva and Boar's Head. I also cut back on going out for drinks and stuff after work. I stop doing a lot of things that aren't necessities."

Question 2
- "People usually don't browse as much anymore, they have a few things the need to come in and get, get the, and go. Its hard to sell things to someone who doesn't have the money to buy them, and we aren't exactly a cheap store."

Question 3
- "Since Christmas we have had to let employees go, more so than just seasonal employees. With less people coming in we have to compensate somehow, and it usually ends up being the hours that the employees work. With less customers it takes less people to run the store."

Question 4
- "I honestly don't know what an be done with the economy, its probably just a cycle of growth and decline, waiting it out is my only option."


Hello, gang! This is your new, shiny class blog!

We will use it extensively later in the semester, but for now we will use it for our DIVERSE SOURCES ASSIGNMENT as part of Story #2.

Once you've collected your interviews, you will go home and post them to the blog so all your classmates can see / use them. Use the format below as a general guideline.

You will interview 3 people and ask them each 4 questions and post all 3 people's quotes here. When you write the story, you will use 6 people total, whoever you want from the blog postings. If you have any questions at all, just email me :)

My (your) name: Student Jones
Source Name: Suzie Q. Rhodes
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Occupation: Student studying microbiology & part-time gas station clerk at Valero
Income: Low-income
(Other helpful info)
Hometown: Harker Heights, Texas
1. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
2. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
3. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
4. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
(quotes this short are 9 times out of 10 not helpful, FYI)

Suzie's email is and her phone number is xxx-xxxx

When you actually write your Story #2, NOT ALL THE INFO ABOVE WILL BE USED WHEN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR SOURCES. What do I mean by this? You won't reference to Rhodes as a poor Hispanic girl in your story, you will say she is a 22-year-old clerk at Valero studying microbiology . (Unless the story is about race/social classes, that info is unnecessary and slightly racist) The only reason we have included it here is to see HOW DIVERSE YOUR SOURCES ARE. So know the difference between the information you use IN the story and info you use to see how DIVERSE your story is.